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Cheshire's Mental Health Hub

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Social isolation and mental health

4 years ago

Social isolation is a growing problem in the UK. In the past, large family networks would support each other and close knit communities would look out for their friends and neighbours. Today, families are more likely to be spread out across the country, even across the world, than they once were. While it’s true that travel is quicker and easier, and social media makes it possible to stay in touch with those who are far away, without that strong sense of community and extended network close by, many people are left feeling isolated and alone. 

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Inspiring our next generation.

5 years ago

I am so thrilled to receive 3 years funding from Children in Need for us to recruit a full time counsellor to support young women 14 – 18 years old.

Mental health in teenagers is on the rise with many attributing factors such as social media, online bullying, academic pressures, the list goes on.

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Time to Talk Day 2019

5 years ago

Time to Talk Day 2019 is next Thursday (February 7) and we want you to be a part of the conversation.

If you haven’t heard of it before, Time to Talk Day is a mental health awareness day organised annually by Time to Change. The idea behind...

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The role of community and Social Prescribing

6 years ago
I met with a couple of NHS CCG's today and the discussion on Social Prescribing came up. Social Prescribing is exactly the reason why we are a platform who help communities find local and online mental health support. Read more »

Local press coverage!

6 years ago
Great to spot this in our local Crewe Chronicle newspaper last week as they shared the news about our expansion across Cheshire. We've been asked by the NHS CCG's and Local Authority to map and promote mental health services across the whole regio... Read more »

What’s the point in having a service, if no-one knows about it?

6 years ago
Mapping the mental health service provision in your area is key to knowing what’s out there, whether you’re a commissioner, a mental health service provider, GP or member of the community you need to know what support is available when you... Read more »

Our new and improved Mental Health platform is here…

7 years ago
It’s been a lot of hard work but i’m proud to say that our new and improved platform to help people find mental health support has landed with lots of new features and an improved mobile experience. Take a look at... Read more »

Putting the service user in the driving seat…

7 years ago is a directory of services with a difference. We put the service user in the driving seat. Whether they’re looking for community groups, sports clubs, professional support or online resources, we make findings that support straight f... Read more »