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Due to the current COVID-19 lockdown restrictions we recommend you contact the providers directly to enquire about their services & availability

Cheshire's Mental Health Hub

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The Healing Power of Gardening and Nature: Cultivating Mental Wellness

11 months ago
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Harnessing the Power of Affirmations

1 year ago

Harnessing the Power of Affirmations for Mental Health and Anxiety Relief

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Dreamy Nights: A Guide to Improving Sleep and Managing Insomnia.

1 year ago
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Living With Social Anxiety

1 year ago
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Stress Awareness Month April 2023

1 year ago
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Endometriosis Awareness Month March 2023

1 year ago
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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

1 year ago

Statistics show that 1 in 6* young people have a diagnosed mental health condition and so we wanted to share with you a few ideas on how you can help young minds to stay healthy. 

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Why I don’t ‘do’ new years resolutions

1 year ago
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5 ways to support yourself over the holiday season.

1 year ago
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Understanding Stress

1 year ago
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When Life Throws You Lemons.

1 year ago

The saying goes that we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we react to those triggers. But sometimes that is easier said than done right? And the truth is that unless we have some sort of tool kit to work with it’s often difficult to even start setting ourselves back on a different path and getting back ‘on track’. 

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Unleashing your inner creative

1 year ago

When I used to think about being creative my mind would instantly jump back to those art lessons at school. The ones where I felt like I was completely out of my comfort zone. The ones where other kids would laugh because my picture looked funny. The ones where I felt embarrassed, fearful and silly. I even struggled when it came to handwriting practice, I could never seem to find the flow. 

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Looking after your mental health through the coronavirus crisis

4 years ago

It was only a few weeks ago that we posted on this blog about the effects of social isolation on mental health. Little could we have imagined then how the world would change in such a short space of time, with isolation becoming the temporary new normal for people across the world.

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National Workouts and Wellbeing Week

4 years ago

Most of us probably already know that we should be making time to workout more. It’s true that regular exercise can boost our sense of wellbeing as well as our physical health. Exercise can help to build our self esteem as well as reducing anxiety and low mood. When we exercise, our brains release chemicals like serotonin and endorphins which help to make us feel happier and less stressed.

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Social isolation and mental health

4 years ago

Social isolation is a growing problem in the UK. In the past, large family networks would support each other and close knit communities would look out for their friends and neighbours. Today, families are more likely to be spread out across the country, even across the world, than they once were. While it’s true that travel is quicker and easier, and social media makes it possible to stay in touch with those who are far away, without that strong sense of community and extended network close by, many people are left feeling isolated and alone. 

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How creativity can help your mental health

4 years ago

Have you ever noticed how naturally creative children are? They can’t help themselves. They are creative in everything they do. They sing, dance, draw, write, make up stories, plays and characters. They do this to help them make sense of the world around them with all it’s big new experiences.

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Lets talk More - Mental health

4 years ago

From the theme of Lets Talk more on my Motherwell show on This is the Cat 107.9fm, I have been astonished with the impact that the topics of made.

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Inspiring our next generation.

5 years ago

I am so thrilled to receive 3 years funding from Children in Need for us to recruit a full time counsellor to support young women 14 – 18 years old.

Mental health in teenagers is on the rise with many attributing factors such as social media, online bullying, academic pressures, the list goes on.

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Improve Your Mental Health & Wellbeing This Summer!

5 years ago
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An Important Message for Providers

5 years ago

Since launching in April 2017, and together with your help, we have built up an impressive online directory for local mental health services in Cheshire.

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Supporting Young People’s Mental Health

5 years ago

It’s important that when we think of mental health, we don’t just think about how it affects us as adults. Children and young people are just as susceptible to mental ill-health and as a society we have a responsibility to ensure their wellbeing.

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Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2019

5 years ago
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Boost Your Mental Health This Spring!

5 years ago

The sun is shining and the trees are blossoming – that must mean spring is on its way!

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International Social Prescribing Day

5 years ago

Today (Thursday, March 14th) is International Social Prescribing Day. But do you know what social prescribing actually is?

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GUEST BLOG: The Rollercoaster of IVF

5 years ago

I recently completed a diploma in In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) and although I had known a few family members that had been through the process I was shocked and appalled by the process. In my diploma we focussed on the process, the implications and the emotional roller coaster that families have to endure why going through the process. 

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Time to Talk Day 2019

5 years ago

Time to Talk Day 2019 is next Thursday (February 7) and we want you to be a part of the conversation.

If you haven’t heard of it before, Time to Talk Day is a mental health awareness day organised annually by Time to Change. The idea behind...

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Hello 2019!

5 years ago

Thank you to all of our service users and providers for their support throughout this year.

We have come leaps and bounds with, working closely with local and national organisations to help imp...

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Keep Your Mental Health in Check This Christmas!

5 years ago

It’s nearly Christmas and while for most it is the most wonderful time of the year, for some of us it can be a little more difficult.

We think that it’s important to keep in good spirits during the holiday season. With that in mind we’ve come up with some great tips that will help you maintain positive mental health during Christmas and the New Year.

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GUEST BLOG: Empty Nest Syndrome

5 years ago

Empty Nest Syndrome may not be a clinically diagnosed definition but it is a very real issue that many parents and caregivers experience when their children leave home.

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Tips for Starting a Support Group

5 years ago

Have you been on our website, or looked online or locally, but been unable to find a support group that fits your needs? Have you thought about starting your own support group? If so, here’s a few handy tips to get you started.

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Working in Partnership with... Active Cheshire!

5 years ago

It’s time once again to look at another one of the fantastic providers we work with. This month’s provider is Active Cheshire, a multi-award winning charity that promotes positive wellbeing across the region through physical exercise and sport.

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Monthly Service Update for September

5 years ago

These are the latest services that we have added onto the online mental health directory in September.

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GUEST BLOG: Love Local!

5 years ago

Years ago, people knew their neighbours, they looked out for one another and families would largely stay close to one another; employment was found locally and there was community rather than commutes.

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5 years ago founder Kate Carney has won the Award for Health & Wellbeing at the Enterprise Vision Awards 2018 in Blackpool.

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GUEST BLOG: Support in the Community

5 years ago

Anyone who follows the news will know that mental health services for young people can’t keep up with the increasing level of need. Only the most severely unwell are likely to be referred for treatment, and many have to wait for weeks to receive it.

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Working in Partnership with... Cheshire Autism Practical Support!

5 years ago

It’s that time of the month again where we look at the brilliant work done by our providers. This month we’re looking at Cheshire Autism Practical Support!

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Lights, Camera, Action!

5 years ago is very excited to announce that from October 2018, we will be starting work on a range of provider videos.

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What is Self-Care?

5 years ago

Self-care is about what you do to keep yourself fit and healthy. It’s about taking control of your own wellbeing while also knowing when to seek further medical advice and help. From a mental health perspective, this can mean making lifestyle changes and learning self-care techniques. This can be especially important if you have a long-term mental health condition.

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Understanding PTSD

5 years ago

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that affects people that have witnessed or experienced a life-threatening event or incident. We often associate PTSD with soldiers that have been in intense combat situations, but PTSD can also affect people that have experienced a vehicle accident, sexual abuse, domestic violence or a natural disaster.

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GUEST BLOG: The Benefits of Peer Support

5 years ago

This week, we are featuring a special guest blog from Motherwell Cheshire’s CEO, Kate Blakemore, as she shares her views on the benefits of peer support.

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Our Visit to Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

5 years ago

Earlier this month, our Marketing Executive, Andrew Wallace, was invited to visit The Central Cheshire Wellbeing Hub run by Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP), in Winsford. In the first of our features covering the fantastic work done by CWP, we’re going to explore what they can offer people living with mental health conditions in Cheshire.

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Helping Your Child Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety

5 years ago

It’s been an amazing summer, hasn’t it? The sun’s been out and many of us have enjoyed spending time with the family. However, this summer is nearing its end and it will soon be time for the children to head back to school, or in some cases start their first day of school either at primary or secondary level. And a lot of children experience what is known as back-to-school anxiety.

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Managing Panic Attacks in Public

5 years ago

If you suffer from anxiety or panic disorders, you may find yourself faced with a sudden feeling of dread or nervousness at any time. Panic disorder symptoms can be very difficult to manage and they may surprise you, too. A lot of people that suffer from anxiety or panic disorders often face panic attacks in public.

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Let's Work Together to Improve Mental Health in Cheshire!

6 years ago

We all have an important part to play in improving mental health in Cheshire. After all, it is for own benefit as well as that of our friends, family, employees, co-workers, students, neighbours and so forth.

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VIDEO: Understanding Social Anxiety

6 years ago

Have you ever been faced with feelings of anxiety when around others? It could be when you’re out in public, at a party, or even just at the office. 

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Go Outdoors with These Wellness Activities in Cheshire This Summer!

6 years ago

It’s always important to find enjoyment when the weather has been as good as it has been this month. Luckily for you, there are plenty of wellness activities in Cheshire that will get you out in the sun.

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Local Autism Support in Cheshire

6 years ago

Finding autism support in Cheshire doesn’t need to be a struggle. At, we dedicate our time to finding a wide range of local autism services that will help make life more comfortable for you or your loved ones.

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Sun's Out and These New Services Are Too!

6 years ago

Hello everyone! Summer appears to be finally here and with such soaring temperatures, we know that a lot of you will be out and about this week.

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Catch It: The Newest Mental Health App On The Market

6 years ago

This week for our Weekly Service Update we’re going to take an in-depth look at one of the newest mental health apps on the market, Catch It!

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Why You Should Get Involved in a Community Group in Cheshire!

6 years ago

One of the strongest messages we try to promote at is that not all mental health services are the same. We like to believe that getting involved in your local community can be just as good for your mental health as counselling or medication. 

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Finding Local Dementia Services in Cheshire

6 years ago

If a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, it is important to celebrate the time that you still have. You need to make things as comforting and active for them as possible.

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Taking These 4 Important Steps Will Improve Your Personal Wellbeing

6 years ago

Far too often do we underestimate the importance of our mental health. Our lives become overrun with responsibilities like work and school that we frequently forget to put ourselves first. 

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Working in Partnership with... Motherwell CIO!

6 years ago

It’s once again time to celebrate another one of our great providers, and this month we are talking about Working in Partnership with… Motherwell CIO.

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The Latest Services to Land on!

6 years ago

How’s your week going? Here at, we have been enjoying the sun as much as we have enjoyed getting the latest services listed on our platform!

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Mental Health Services You'll Find on

6 years ago

Let’s be clear – medication and therapy are not the only solutions for improving ill mental health. There are plenty of other mental health services you can consider that will help boost your personal wellbeing. 

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The Advantages of Listing Your Mental Health Services on!

6 years ago

We know that promoting mental health services in Cheshire isn’t easy. It’s especially difficult when you are strapped for cash or when you don’t have the best marketing knowledge to reach those that would benefit from the support you offer.  

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What can we do to make mental health services easier to find?

6 years ago

When we launched, our goal was always to make mental health services more accessible to those that need it. Of course, it’s now been just over a year since we launched our platform online, and we have started by focusing on helping those in Cheshire discover new support services. 

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2018: Mental Health & Me

6 years ago

Today, to mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2018, our Marketing Executive Andrew Wallace has opened up about his own personal experiences with mental health.

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Working in Partnership with... The Wishing Well Project!

6 years ago

Today we’re kicking off our Working n Partnership with... special feature with a look at The Wishing Well Project, a social enterprise in Crewe dedicated to improving local wellbeing and health.

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Mental Health Awareness Week 2018: Handy Tips for Tackling Exam Stress

6 years ago

Being a student is never easy and one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in life will be your examinations. It can be very daunting, especially when your future is determined by the results you achieve.

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Coronation Street Raises Male Suicide Awareness

6 years ago

Tonight, ITV’s Coronation Street will be tackling the subject of mental health after one of its male characters is found dead from suicide.

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Behind the Scenes: Meet the Team!

6 years ago

So what’s it like to work at As part of our first birthday celebrations, we are giving you an inside look at the work and people that go into keeping our online mental health hub alive! 

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One Year On: Happy Birthday to!

6 years ago

It was on May 1st 2017 that we launched our mental health hub and since then we have been on quite the journey to make mental health services in Cheshire more accessible and available for all.

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What's New at

6 years ago

Well what a week it has been at as we continue to promote mental health services in Cheshire!

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Tackling Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

6 years ago

One of the biggest goals we want to achieve at You in Mind is tackling mental health stigma. There are still so many misgivings about what it means to have ill mental health and these stigmas can have an adverse effect on those facing conditions such as depression, anxiety and more.

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We're Here to Improve Mental Health in the Education Community!

6 years ago

You could be a university student facing upcoming exam stress. Perhaps you’re the victim of bullying from your classmates. Or maybe you’re a teacher that is struggling to manage a chaotic classroom.

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Here's Another Weekly Services Update!

6 years ago

Another exciting week down at You in Mind HQ, and we can’t be more thankful to have such helpful providers as partners in the development of our online hub!

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Try Expressive Writing for Your Wellbeing!

6 years ago

A lot of people take up expressive writing as an exercise to improve their wellbeing. Some try writing poetry or prose; others share their feelings in a journal or a blog. The written word has an empowering effect on us all and can be a great comfort for those facing mental health concerns.

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The Value of Virtual Services on YouinMind!

6 years ago

You know, it’s not just local services we put on our website. As much as we are dedicated to improving the delivery of mental health services in Cheshire, we also see the true value that virtual resources can offer people in the local area.

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The Benefits of Exercise on Your Mental Health

6 years ago

Having an active lifestyle is always going to have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing. After all, exercise isn’t just about keeping your muscles and joints in top working order, but your mind as well.

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Our Second Weekly Service Update (Just in Time For Easter!)

6 years ago

Well it’s Good Friday and all of us at hope you are having an enjoyable Easter weekend. It’s been a busy week for us here and while we continue to add new services on a weekly basis, we are still striving to fill in gaps within our services.

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Great Ways to Combat Anxiety in Cheshire!

6 years ago

Looking to reduce your feelings of anxiety? In Cheshire, there are a lot of like-minded individuals like yourself trying to find an answer to their worries.

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Our First Weekly Services Update!

6 years ago

A warm welcome to the very first of our Weekly Services Updates! Every week we will be providing you with a rundown of the latest mental health services in Cheshire that have been added to our online hub.

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Mental Health Matters in School

6 years ago

We understand the importance of improving mental health matters at school. And we believe that it is down to education – knowing what mental health is, knowing who to turn to, and knowing that support is available.

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Mental Health Concerns Faced by LGBTQ Youth

6 years ago

For most of us, the feeling of acceptance is an important part of life. Nobody wants to feel left out or looked down upon by others. Nobody wishes to feel that they are odd or don’t belong in society. Nobody wants to feel less than others. 

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Mental Health Providers: We Need You!

6 years ago

Well, what a year it has been. Since launching You in Mind in April 2017, our online support hub has gone from strength to strength.

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Music for the Mind

6 years ago

I have to admit, music is one of my favourite ways to relax at home. Nothing like Spotify blaring through the house to get me in a good mood. 

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Celebrating University Mental Health Day!

6 years ago

At You in Mind, we're raising student mental health awareness to celebrate University Mental Health Day 2018!

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Winsford Welcomes Wellbeing Winsford Week 2018!

6 years ago

Improve your personal wellbeing with healthy activities and awareness sessions at Wellness Week 2018 from 19 – 24 Feb 2018.

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The role of community and Social Prescribing

6 years ago
I met with a couple of NHS CCG's today and the discussion on Social Prescribing came up. Social Prescribing is exactly the reason why we are a platform who help communities find local and online mental health support. Read more »

Exercise and mental health...

6 years ago
Over the past 5 months i've really got 'into' exercise, not in a bid to lose weight, or even to dramatically improve my health, but to focus on my own wellbeing. I realised, in the midst of a very busy 2017 as we launched this mental health platform, that i was doing nothing but working or looking after my children, which on many occasions, felt like hard work! Read more »

Local press coverage!

6 years ago
Great to spot this in our local Crewe Chronicle newspaper last week as they shared the news about our expansion across Cheshire. We've been asked by the NHS CCG's and Local Authority to map and promote mental health services across the whole regio... Read more »

What’s the point in having a service, if no-one knows about it?

6 years ago
Mapping the mental health service provision in your area is key to knowing what’s out there, whether you’re a commissioner, a mental health service provider, GP or member of the community you need to know what support is available when you... Read more »

Our new and improved Mental Health platform is here…

6 years ago
It’s been a lot of hard work but i’m proud to say that our new and improved platform to help people find mental health support has landed with lots of new features and an improved mobile experience. Take a look at... Read more » is the sticky bit in the middle…

6 years ago
The news that Prince Harry & Prince Williams’ mental health charity heads together is investing in a new tech start up to help people... Read more »

Putting the service user in the driving seat…

6 years ago is a directory of services with a difference. We put the service user in the driving seat. Whether they’re looking for community groups, sports clubs, professional support or online resources, we make findings that support straight f... Read more »

What’s the difference between a Directory of services and organisations?

7 years ago
We often hear NHS CCG’s say the phrase “Oh we are working on a list of services at the moment” but when that becomes a reality, what we see is a list of organisations. So what’s the difference? Why is a list of services so p... Read more »